BCCI Secretary Jay Shah has confirmed that Rohit Sharma will lead the side in India's two upcoming ICC tournaments. Namely, the Champions Trophy in early 2025 is scheduled to be held in Pakistan and the World Test Championship Final is slated to be held in June at Lord's
Rohit Sharma recently won the T20 World Cup for India in Barbados after 17 years and in that process, he also brought an end to India's 11-year wait for an ICC title after they won it last in 2013.
Becoming the second skipper after MS Dhoni. Rohit after winning the title announced his retirement from the T20I format stating that he would now focus on ODI and Test Cricket.
#WATCH | BCCI Secretary Jay Shah congratulates the Indian cricket team on winning the ICC T20 World Cup
— ANI (@ANI) July 7, 2024
He says, "...I am confident that under the captaincy of Rohit Sharma, we will win the WTC Final and the Champions Trophy..."
(Source: BCCI) pic.twitter.com/NEAvQwxz8Y
Jay Shah previously announced Rohit Sharma as captain for the T20 World Cup in 2024 in a gathering in Rajkot featuring the Cricketer himself in the gathering.