Paris Olympics 2024- Why Athletes Bite Their Medal into Victory?

Why Athletes Bite Their Medal into Victory

Gold Standard? Why Athletes Risk Their Teeth for the Perfect Olympic Photo

Neha . July 22, 2024

One is likely aware of the classic picture of an Olympian medal winner chewing it. But have you ever given it any thought as to why they do it? As it happens, history has a bigger role in the explanation than hunger!

Initially, medals were crafted from solid gold at the Olympic Games. Bites it was an easy method to verify the legitimacy of precious metals back then! Since pure gold is a soft metal, your teeth would leave an imprint on it. Biting a medal was therefore a simple and quick technique to make if it was genuine.

Olympic medals are now mostly constructed of silver with a thin layer of gold plating. However, the custom of the biting has endured. Some competitors use it as a lighthearted homage to that ancient custom, tying their triumph into the lengthy history of the Games.

In addition to its historical significance, the bite may be seen as a symbolic action. Biting into the medal represents the achievement's reality and serves as a material tribute to the years of arduous preparation and commitment. In the exhilarating instant of triumph, the bite serves as a means of fully appreciating the magnitude of the achievement.

The site may be unusable now, but it has become a tradition for great photos. It gives podium celebrations a little individuality and whimsy, resulting in priceless photos that both sportsmen and fans will treasure.

Thus, keep in mind that it's not all about the gold (or silver) the next time you witness an Olympian showing off their medal. It's a unique way to enjoy the delicious taste of success, a celebration of perseverance, and a link to history.

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